BENGHAZI - In September and October 2022, the OECD organised a series of public-private dialogues in Benghazi targeting five sectors with the highest potential for economic diversification in Libya: Banking, ICT, agribus ...

BENGHAZI - In September and October 2022, the OECD organised a series of public-private dialogues in Benghazi targeting five sectors with the highest potential for economic diversification in Libya: Banking, ICT, agribus ...
In July 2022, the OECD gathered 23 representatives from the public and private sector in Libya for a capacity-building programme in Caserta, Italy. The programme provides the participants, or “PPD Champions,” with the to ...
In June 2022, Libya participated in the annual MENA-OECD Business Advisory Board (BAB) in Istanbul, Turkey. Under the theme “From recovery to economic resilience: strategies for the private sector”, the 2022 BAB focused ...
The OECD organised a kick-off event for the EU-OECD Project on Promoting Public-Private Dialogue in Libya, bringing together public sector officials and private sector representatives to discuss the methodology for publi ...
The OECD organized a presentation on the 26th November on the EU-OECD Project on Promoting Public-Private Dialogue in Libya, which aims to support and encourages an active economic and social dialogue between Libya’s pub ...